

How does your body feel when I say the word closeness?

We all want it right?

Don't we?

Well I am going to make a broad sweeping statement and say I think most people want a depth of connection with others in their lives.

Most people want to experience that sweetness of feeling connected.

Moments when you look at another and you feel so close, or reach out to another and feel safe or seen, or connected.

There is something especially beautiful (I feel) when a group of people can drop into a space of closeness together, a place where the body feels relaxed and nourished.

I have experienced this feeling in groups before (the same feeling you get when you feel safe in a lovers arms, or when you hold your child as a babe and feel so connected). In these experiences I have either been involved in facilitating them or sometimes I had the joy of being in the experience as a participant : and I can tell you it was a feeling so nourishing I could have stayed there forever.

I love creating these spaces where we get to feel both connected and safe, and nourished at a body level, fed by the interconnectedness. I feel like it does something deep in our psyche - for a moment we are walking this path of life together and not alone. This is a powerful experience for many of us who have felt a bit like a lone ranger, or lone wolf in this world of hyper individualism and late stage capitalism. It’s not something small to experience connectedness, particularly in a group in fact I see it as a form of activism.

I have had very powerful experiences of connection, collaboration and community, AND I have had many powerful (not in a good way) moments of feeling totally alone in this world.

It’s such an antidote to the insanity that is happening in the world - to feel a deep in your bones sense of togetherness.


I like this word.

I think on some level this desire for closeness isn’t just coming from a need to feel safe . I think there is a spiritual pull to experience the ‘oneness’ of reality through each other. This is what I feel is behind our drive to feel connected.


Falling in love reminds us of the rapture and beauty of life, which is always there but sometimes we fail to notice it. Falling in love taps us into that frequency of goodness again, its a vibration we can cultivate within ourselves as well as when we experience it in the full-bloom-intoxicating-intensity-of-falling -in-love with another .

But falling in love also reminds us of the dimension of reality that we can’t think our way through , or have a logical explanation for. Falling in love is the ultimate lesson in being in the FEELING state. Experiencing the world and our reality by feeling. Which is why we love it so much. We want to be touched by life. We hunger for it. We want to be opened up.

Falling in love is like having a direct line with Her, The Goddess, The Divine Incarnate. She is speaking to you, through your heart and through this love

For a moment we get to pierce through the veil of our separateness, it dissolves and if we could, we would climb inside the skin of our lover, wouldn’t we?

This perspective of reality is not one that we can simply witness through mindfulness or meditation , it’s an embodied spirituality - meaning we access it through FEELING . It has the potential to crack our hearts open in reverence and awe, make our toes curl and our hips swing and our mouths and teeth want to bite, lick and savour it’s nectar. This is intimacy with life. This is making love to the moment. This is meeting with the Goddess. This is experiencing the vibration of love which is woven throughout the entire realm of immanence.

The ancient goddess spirituality traditions knew this, they worshipped the incarnate world.

I think it’s not just that we want to be close to each other, and with ourselves - we have a deep knowing of this perception of reality to become intimately connected and close to Her. She who is woven into all of reality.

If you’d like to delve more deeply into this nature of this reality join me and others for an enquiry, a relational laboratory - Closeness - coming soon a series of workshops around New Zealand exploring this theme…


Belonging, Spiritual Consumerism and the societal issue of community.