Upcoming events




Conscious Dance Aotearoa
to 2 Dec

Conscious Dance Aotearoa

Conscious Dance is a beautiful boutique festival set in the stunning Moutere Valley near Nelson. A team of highly skilled dance teachers delight you with many workshops to move, shake, explore, connect, delve, dive, deepen, soften, unfurl and awaken more.......

Join me.. I'm facilitating an offering called Closeness- an exploration of connection and intimacy

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Intimacy Fest NZ
to 28 Oct

Intimacy Fest NZ

Gain real, applicable tools to deepen the connection in all your relationships.

Safely lean into your edges of self-expression, vulnerability and honesty.

Experience being seen, felt, and known — and witness others as they receive that gift from you.

Experience three full days of well-facilitated practices, games and workshops.

Meet new friends who share values of openness and authenticity.

Get feedback about your blind spots by receiving caring and honest reflections from other people.

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Maga - A ceremonial retreat for women
to 26 May

Maga - A ceremonial retreat for women

She’s no longer a maiden, and the times of mothering are changing, either physiologically through hormone changes or children are older or left home, or she may have come to the realisation that she is not going to birth her own physical children into this world.

If you find yourself at this threshold this is the time to embrace the MAGA in you. For without her immense power, clarity and vision you may feel yourself withdraw or even sinking into the background AND this world so needs the mature voice of feminine power out there in the world and amongst her community!

Maga is a stage in a woman’s life, it’s an initiation through the red thread of her life which consists of - conception, birth, menarch, menstruation, birthing and menopause and then death.

Maga is after Mother and before Crone. It’s at this stage she really gets to birth herself into being. It is a powerful time of fecundity, if we can find its fertilise soil.

The physiological changes pave the way for this truer version of herself, there is a change that takes place where she naturally wants and needs to take the focus off of others and turn inwards , through this initiatory journey of peri-,menopause and meno-pause she asks herself the question

“Who am I now?”

Maybe there are losses that have occurred, painful realisations sometimes at this stage in life and without the necessary inspiration of this initiation its possible to collapse into self blame, or run away from reality in some way, or feel as though something is wrong.

For Maga her power is garnered from the journey of her life’s story, from each laughter line, and tear, from each disappointment and betrayal, from the beauty and the pain of it all - the scars and the stretch marks, the growing pains, the labour pains, the experiences that have shaped who she is, inside.

Like a diamond or a pearl this Maga has been forming slowly over time.

She is not yet a Crone , she’s out in the world, still planting seeds for her future, clarifying her truth. Her energy may not be as consistent as her maiden and mother years but she’s not done yet, there’s a fire in her belly and a desire to bring her life’s story so far together somehow and more clearly bring her work through to her community and to those whose lives she touches.

She is the healer, the witch, the therapist, the teacher, the guide, the priestess, she is a way shower.

And so……

I have a special invitation for those of you who want to journey with this archetype deeper, over a long weekend in the beautiful South of New Zealand in late Autumn. We have space for just 6 women. This long weekend will be a time of inquiry through ritual and ceremony , together as sisters tracing the red thread, and calling in our truth, power and magic.

The long weekend will include:

  • A journey to trace the ‘red thread’ in your own life and a process to help you see what you are bringing to the alchemical fires of peri-menopause and menopause to transform.(If you are only in the early stages this is still so valid as preparation)

  • Crone, Death, Full Moon Fire Ritual and bone medicine journey to support your journey into embracing Maga.

  • Collective dream weaving

  • Delving into the Oracle of your Maga

  • Sacred Rage Journey, practice education and assimilation (this is not a cathartic practice this is about savouring and embodying the sacredness of rage in order to receive its blessings)

  • Sisterhood, sharing, embodied relating, space and time for connection.

  • (Sometimes guided) Movement and dance as medicine, prayer and a way to process and integrate.

Unlike most retreats where the leader is outside of the experience I will be in the rituals with you, we will cultivate together a field of trust and co-create this magical journey.

I have also been journeying with these practices and rituals for some time and have really felt on every level the power and beauty of this work and so I can’t wait to share it with you should this resonate.

Cost $866 This price includes 3 nights stay plus food and accomodation

If this excites you and you would like to book in please send an email to hello@ellie-wilde.com I would love to hear from you.

Spaces are limited to 6 women.

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Trauma alchemy facilitator training
to 30 Apr

Trauma alchemy facilitator training

Discover how to work with trauma effectively and safely without over holding or burning out.

If you're on a path of service and are committed to helping us heal, be free, and experience a great and beautiful emergence of soul-centric humans And!

The intensities of the last few years have STRETCHED YOU. Often beyond your capacity…

This foundational course in somatic trauma alchemy is for you.

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